Marvel Studios has dropped a new documentary series on Disney+, titled MPower, that is dedicated to celebrating the women of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The four-episode series features some of the most iconic female characters in the franchise and highlights the work of the actors who bring these characters to life on the big screen.
MPower is executive produced by Zoë Saldaña, who is known for her role as Gamora in the MCU. One of the episodes of the series is centered on her character, while the other three episodes focus on the women of Wakanda, Captain Marvel, and Scarlet Witch. The show features interviews with some of the key women working at Marvel Studios, including casting director Sarah Halley Finn, as well as a range of actors such as Teyonah Parris and Florence Kasumba.
The release of MPower on International Women’s Day is a powerful statement from Marvel Studios. The franchise has always been home to some of the strongest and most powerful female characters in movie history, including Black Widow, Captain Marvel, and Ms. Marvel. With this new series, Marvel is taking the time to honor and celebrate the women of the MCU, both on and off the screen.
It is notable that Scarlett Johansson, who plays Black Widow, is absent from the series. Johansson is an OG kick-ass lady of the MCU, and it is surprising that she did not make an appearance in MPower. However, the series still represents a big move by Disney and Marvel in terms of celebrating their female heroes. As the franchise continues to evolve and expand, it is important to highlight the contributions of the women who make it all possible.
Overall, MPower is a must-watch for any Marvel fan, especially those who have been moved and inspired by the female heroes of the franchise. The series is a powerful statement about the importance of representation and the need to honor the contributions of women in the film industry. All four episodes of MPower are currently available to stream on Disney+.
Watch the full trailer below :
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