The newest Punisher from Marvel Comics arrives with a bang. In the teaser for Marvel’s upcoming Punisher, written by David Pepose, drawn by Dave Wachter and coloured by Dan Brown, two detectives from New York City stumble upon an explosive threat while searching through the rubble of a demolished building, while a different kind of crime-fighter approaches the situation very differently. The new Punisher chooses to see the Inner Demon Gang members who have made the Black Dragon Club their new haunt rather than sorting leads and possible clues, and it is obvious that he has no intention of going empty-handed. Marvel Comics first revealed the cover art for the next Punisher series in July, but the picture included a question mark and blank space over the face of the series’ main antagonist. Fans have discovered that, despite the fact that not much is known about him officially, this Punisher is actually Joe Garrison, a former black ops agent for S.H.I.E.L.D., and, based on the trailer that has been made public thus far, he is just as eager to risk everything as his predecessor was.

Pepose previously talked on Garrison’s status as the Punisher’s heir and the challenges of developing a character that can appropriately carry on a heritage like that in an interview with CBR. Making a legacy character to carry on the Punisher banner was an extremely difficult task, but Pepose said that because of his experience working with Punisher 2099 on Savage Avengers, he had given it a lot of consideration. Although this character possesses a very specific set of abilities, the main theme of our narrative is Joe accepting that being the Punisher is not necessarily a heritage that you inherit. Occasionally, a legacy finds you.” David Pepose wrote the script for Punisher, which has artwork by Dave Wachter and colours by Dan Brown. Rod Reis created the main cover art, while Mico Suayan, Salvador Larroca, Edgar Delgado, Phil Noto, and Skottie Young contributed alternate cover art. Marvel Comics will release Punisher for sale on November 8.