Superstar comic book artist Ryan Stegman, together with writer Jed MacKay, is permitted by Marvel to share two pages from their new X-Men series. The two pages were originally seen in the teaser Marvel published to tease the upcoming July X-Men relaunch, which will be edited by newcomer Tom Brevoort. However, this is the first time the pages have been made available individually as just comic book pages.
The pages, which were drawn by Stegman and coloured by Marte Gracia and J.P. Mayer, show the new normal for this particular X-Men group under the leadership of Cyclops, a seasoned X-Men commander.

The X-Men fly a defiance flag from their new headquarters in Alaska! In a battle for the fate and ideology of the mutant species, join CYCLOPS, BEAST, MAGNETO, PSYLOCKE, KID OMEGA, TEMPER (previously OYA), MAGIK, and JUGGERNAUT as they unite against new forces. Their business is mutant business. According to Stegman’s preview pages, Cyclop and the X-Men are currently based out of a secluded headquarters in Alaska that appears to have seen better days but is still very substantial-looking. Next, we witness Cyclops piloting an X-Men Blackbird with Kid Omega and Psylocke accompanying him. Lastly, at the bottom of the double-page splash, the new lineup is shown posturing as a menacing group. Marvel published a video to promote the “From the Ashes” relaunch, which took place five years after the Krakoan Age. In it, they include those pages in addition to the two other new X-Men series, Uncanny X-Men and Exceptional X-Men. Stegman took to social media to refute fan speculation regarding whether Cyclops was intended to be de-aged or if perhaps this was the return of the time-displaced Cyclops from the original X-Men. He explained that Cyclops is an adult in this run, he just took some artistic licence.