Emma Stone is portrayed as Gwen Stacy, the live-action Spider-Woman, in fan art for Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse. Gwen, played by Hailee Steinfeld, has played a significant part in the Spider-Verse films, and in the sequel, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, the character is given even more attention. Stone, who portrayed Gwen Stacy in both The Amazing Spider-Man films, might perhaps show up as one of Gwen’s variations in the postponed Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse. Multiple versions of Gwen Stacy have been hinted to appear in the trilogy finale. Stone as the real-life Spider-Woman was shown in a stylized image on Instagram by digital artist @venomhology. Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse’s Gwen Stacy. The actress’s new appearance is strikingly similar to the cartoon character, Spider-Woman Gwen Stacy, as seen in a snapshot of Stone posted by a well-known Hollywood hairstylist.
In 2014’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Stone’s final performance as Gwen Stacy resulted in a tragic ending for the character. When Andrew Garfield came back as his version of Peter Parker in the multiversal Spider-Man: No Way Home, it was revealed that that incident had a significant influence on Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, causing him to become resentful and cease holding back against adversaries. Stone playing Gwen Stacy once more in a future MCU production that focuses on the multiverse, like 2027’s Avengers: Secret Wars, is a definite possibility because the Marvel Cinematic Universe brought together Garfield, Tobey Maguire, and Tom Holland as their interpretations of Spider-Man. The bond between Peter and Gwen was the strongest aspect of that trilogy, and because fans have been calling for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 to be completed, Stone would probably be asked to return if the project is ever approved. In Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, Stone could reprise her role as Gwen Stacy because Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse introduced live-action aspects and characters to the animated franchise. Multiple Gwen variations are hinted to throughout the film; thus, given Stone’s prominence as the lead, she may show up. The possibilities of Stone playing Gwen Stacy in Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse or another film are looking excellent given the several confirmed and rumoured projects in which she may reprise her role as Gwen Stacy as well as the current popularity of the multiverse in superhero fiction.
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