Renowned writer Chris Claremont of X-Men is coming back. Now, to close the loose ends of one of Wolverine’s most recognizable periods. According to Marvel Comics, Wolverine: Deep Cut, which is scheduled for publication on July 3, will be directed by Claremont and illustrator Edgar Salazar. The show will fill in the blanks of Wolverine’s past during the X-Men’s adored Outback Era, when the group of mutant heroes lived and worked in the Australian Outback. Wolverine was not present in Uncanny X-Men #246–251, having embarked on a series of solo adventures that were mostly chronicled in his own book.

Editor Mark Basso of Marvel Comics revealed that Deep Cut would ultimately take a step back and reveal aspects of Wolverine that were either too short or too crowded to display before his return in issue 251, living up to the title in every way! You can be confident that you have a full adventure in this series even if you have no idea what those stories were. Basso went on to say that the tale here will stand entirely on its own. The most recent in Claremont and Salazar’s series of “retro pick” stories is Wolverine: Deep Cut, which also contains the continuing Wolverine: Madripoor Knights. In the later series, Wolverine is followed by a group that includes Black Widow, Psylocke, Captain America, and Jubilee. The events of Wolverine: Madripoor Knights take place during the time the title character operated in Madripoor as “Patch,” a persona that he first assumed in the tale “Save the Tiger” by Claremont and artist John Buscema, which first appeared in Marvel Comics Presents #1 in 1988.
Starting with X-Men #94 in 1975, Claremont assumed control of the X-Men comic. He would continue to write the series through 1991. Many members of the squad, including Havok, Angel, Sunfire, Iceman, and Polaris, notably left the team in X-Men #94. Claremont oversaw other classic plots in the years that followed and gave rise to numerous immediately identifiable characters, including Emma Frost, Cypher, and Psylocke.